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- Solutions from the Human Design perspective for Binge Eating, Emotional Eating Stress Eating + BONUS tips!
- Check Out My Best FREE Resources
- Gates 2-14, Heartbeat Channel
- Human Design Gate 42 Increase - The Gate of Growth
- Create Content That Brings You Paying Clients in Just 8 Weeks with Guest Meg Dolan 4/6 Emotional Generator
- Gate 24 – Rationalisation / Wisdom
- Gates 29-46, Discovery Channel

The Gate of Caution, located in the Throat Center, symbolizes the need for careful communication, considering the impact of one’s words and actions on others. Individuals with this gate activated are highly aware of the power of communication and exercise discretion in their speech. They are skilled at choosing the right words and timing to effectively convey their message, ensuring that it is well-received and understood. This gate also emphasizes the importance of listening to others and being mindful of non-verbal cues, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding. The Gate of The Role of the Self, found in the G-Center, represents the energy to guide, influence, and lead others in a beneficial direction. Individuals with this gate activated are natural leaders, possessing an innate ability to inspire and direct others.
Solutions from the Human Design perspective for Binge Eating, Emotional Eating Stress Eating + BONUS tips!
And so it is, engaging too much with what one does, taking it all on, I can manage, I don’t need your input, I don’t need your help. Your key to expanding wealth lies in receiving assistance from willing and capable helpers. Just recognizing who’s in this, who gets what I’m up to, who can help me expand my whole arena of prosperity. Whether you’ve ever realized this or not, we live in an abundant universe.
Check Out My Best FREE Resources
It’s the life force that propels us to strive for greatness, to manifest our visions, and to seize opportunities. The Venus side of it, being overly friendly in material matters will inevitably lead you to misunderstandings. Nothing like talking turkey when it comes to money but be absolutely straightforward. This is our agreement, this is what we’re going to pay, this is what your salary is going to be. It’s a great way to lose friends over money if you’re not straight with them.
The Daily View, Gate 43.6 - The value of unique knowing or not is key today - Constant Contact
The Daily View, Gate 43.6 - The value of unique knowing or not is key today.
Posted: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 13:54:02 GMT [source]
Gates 2-14, Heartbeat Channel
This is the energy for utilizing your skills to work for the abundance you need in life. This is not blind faith that money will be drawn to you energetically. This particular energy is the SKILL and capacity to do what you need to do to be comfortable. To be clear though, it works best in response to the opportunity to work. When harnessed with wisdom, Gate 14 can be the key to manifesting abundance in all forms – be it wealth, love, or spiritual growth.
Human Design Gate 37 The Family - The Gate of Friendship

All of us probably have come across people that have no idea what to do with their prosperity. I’ve met millionaires with massive prosperity and wealth and lands and owning stuff, and the quality of their life is appalling. Yeah, they’ve got all this stuff, but they don’t know what to do with it. And what I say to people when I see they have this fourth line is look around you in your life and look at those things that make you feel secure in your life. Maybe it’s the chats, maybe it’s a picture, maybe it’s the carpet, maybe it’s money in the bank. But recognize it for yourself, what it is that relates to you when you look at it or sense it, that makes you feel secure.
It can also help them align their goals with their values and aspirations, ensuring that their pursuits are fulfilling and meaningful. Kate is the founder and editor of Manifesting & Human Design, one of the leading online resources about Human Design. Kate is a self-taught student of highly respected industry expert Karen Curry Parker, Level 4 Quantum Human Design coach.
It can motivate them to learn new skills, overcome challenges, and strive for continuous improvement. However, it’s important for them to remember that personal development is a journey, not a destination. They need to balance their drive for achievement with the ability to appreciate their progress and enjoy the journey. Gate 14’s interaction with Gate 34, the ‘Gate of Power’, can enhance the drive and determination of an individual.
A natural tendency towards caution in social situations; idealistic and places enormous value on art, and especially language. Highly eloquent and influential when communicating – able to deeply affect others. The gate of friction discriminates and controls emotions and reproduction, governing when we’re open or closed to intimacy, in romantic and platonic relationships. At the beginning of a new venture, this gate brings order to chaos in the form of organisation, and the energy to see a project through to completion.

They can be very committed and willing to work hard to ensure the success of the relationship. This can be a great strength, as their partners can rely on them to be consistent and persistent. Finally, personal growth also involves learning to manage challenges and setbacks effectively. For those with Gate 14, this could involve learning to manage their energy levels, developing patience, and learning to maintain a balanced perspective on success. Understanding one’s motivations and desires can provide a sense of direction, allowing them to channel their energy more effectively.
I was working for myself, from home, for the first time in my life. Within a matter of weeks, I started to notice a really weird habit-forming. This was long before I knew anything about Human Design and certainly hadn’t seen even close to the success I’ve seen with the map.
Heaven's Gate still open for business -
Heaven's Gate still open for business.
Posted: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]
I had to own the part of me that loves to love her work, to use it as a spiritual practice, and to make mind blowing money doing it. But we will only see changes in the outer world by harnessing the full power of our inner energy. I think it is safe to say that, collectively, we have tucked our dreams away and are exchanging the precious moments of our lives for money. Anytime we are on the “low” end of the frequency spectrum, it is an invitation to love ourselves more deeply.
Individuals with this gate activated possess a strong sense of inner knowing and are often seen as intuitive and insightful, able to navigate life’s challenges with grace and clarity. Those with this gate activated are often seen as resilient and persistent, willing to fight for their goals and ideals. The Gate of Friction, located in the Solar Plexus Center, symbolizes the process of growth through conflict and resolution.
Their ability to find joy and fulfillment in their work serves as a motivation for those around them, encouraging them to pursue their own passions and dreams. Gate 14, also known as the Gate of Power Skills, is all about possessing exceptional abilities and talents. This gate empowers individuals to tap into their unique skills and use them to achieve greatness. It encourages us to embrace our strengths and recognize the power we hold within ourselves. In the meantime, be sure to also check out my post on how to make Human Design affirmations work. On the “negative” spectrum, Human Design Gate 14 is the energy for getting stuck in the fear that you won’t be able to make your dreams come true.
But if they’re going to interact with others in material matters, they need to be very straightforward. Your knack for handling the material world requires skills when it relates to those in it. Some are better off than others in terms of understanding what prosperity and wealth are all about. Now again, we’re back in the individual circuitry which is all about transformation in life. So there’s a great transformation possible for us in our attitude to money to just see that being detached from the rewards that we derive from what we do is the key to accessing this prosperity.
Everybody has a maximum of 26 activated gates out of the total of 64, though it’s common to have more than one activation in the same gate. The Gate of Grace, found in the Solar Plexus Center, is about the capacity to cultivate harmony and beauty, inspiring others through grace and compassion. Those with this gate activated have a natural affinity for aesthetics and emotional sensitivity, often using their talents to create environments that nurture well-being and uplift the spirit. Gate 14 is a wonderful blessing, but it can sometimes result in someone being financially successful at a J-O-B they do not particularly like. What is important to note however is they would most likely do OK financially in whatever line of work they chose.
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